Bullets & Billets Limited Edition

In 1917 publisher Grant Richards produced a special Limited Edition of 100 copies of Bullets & Billets. The book was a larger format to the standard edition first published in December 1916, and was printed on handmade paper and bound in plain boards. Each of the 100 copies was numbered and featured an original ink and wash frontispiece illustration of Old Bill, Bert or Alf by Bruce Bairnsfather.

The Limited Edition sold at £5 5s. Bruce Bairnsfather received a royalty of £1 on each copy sold.

On this page are examples of some of the original drawings from Limited Edition copies of Bullets & Billets.

If you have a copy of the Limited Edition of Bullets & Billets I would very much like to hear from you as I am trying to build up an image library of as many of the original drawings from the book as possible. Please contact me if you have a copy.